Design your own valve island with the SY valve configurator

With SMC Pneumatics valve configurators you will:
Design the exact manifold that meets your specific requirements
Get dimensions and manifold weight
Have a comprehensive parts list and quotation document for your configured manifold that will also simplify the ordering process
Plus the SY Configurator will give 3D drawings of the selected manifold
2 Configurators to chose from:
New SY Configurator - Software for the latest multi-purpose, flexible valve. Have a look!
Valve Configurator - If the above does not meet your needs, our try our VQC, SV, SQ or VQ valves.
How to proceed
Download the VC or SY Configurator and save it in your PC
Unzip the zip file in your local hard drive
Click on the "cdstart.exe" file
A pop-up window will appear and you will have the option to install the software or execute run without installation.
Download Here
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